Tetris DX Game Review
Overall Rank By The SMRC: 93.0/100
Recommendations: Must Have

Tetris DX is the GBC’s remake of a classic Nintendo game. The puzzle strategy game has actually brought on a Tetris phenomenon and TDX will not let Tetris fans down.

The game starts off by showing its impressive color. With 56 colors on the screen, the blocks can be seen more easily, the menus are easier to see, and the backgrounds even change color to let you know when you raise a level.

Tetris DX also shows some improvement in overall gameplay. They’re are now 4 modes you can choose to play from including: Marathon, 40 Lines (a form of ultra), sprint, and a two player mode against the computer (or a friend). They also added the ability to “quick slide” the block on the screen, meaning that it will move over before it falls.

The music and sound is normal for any Tetris game. I personally enjoy the original Tetris theme more than the one they used in Tetris DX, but the music is still good to say the least.

If you’re a Tetris fan like I am, this is surely a must buy. It is a great game for anyone to have in their collection, and almost anyone that plays it will be addicted to it immediately. This is yet another one of the SMRCs must haves.