Super Mario World: SMA II
Overall Rank By The SMRC: 96.5/100
Recommendations: Must Have

Nintendo has ported yet another one of its best sellers to the fantastic Gameboy Advanced, and with it comes nostalgic mania. For those of you that played it on the SNES, you know what you’re about to see, for those who haven’t, welcome to what made Mario famous…

Let’s start with graphics. There is nothing to amazing here. With scrolling backgrounds, simple art, and a variety of objects; the game is as much can be expected from a Gameboy Mario game. The game was well adapted graphically to allow the player to see and feel all that was in the original game. The only thing in graphics I haven’t been able to find is alternate art that was present in the SNES version of the game. However, I’m sure its there somewhere.

Sound seemed a little different. The quality did not seem to transfer 1:1 from the SNES. However, it still sounds wonderful and my picky ear may just be hearing defects in my Gameboy’s octave range. For those who haven’t played the game, the sounds are your basic Mario sounds from all of today’s Mario games.

Gameplay! Gameplay is where this game shows its colors. With over 96 different ways to end levels, there is plenty for you to find and unlock. Yoshi riding is a favorite pastime, and exploring the vast and colorful levels is almost more fun than smashing Bowser and his offspring off of Mario’s world. They even including the original Mario Bros. game like they did with SMA1. This could have been improved on by not including the same bonus game in two separate games. However, it is better than nothing. They also included the same old multi-player that was found in SMA1.

Overall this game is spectacular. We recommend this game to everyone. Well everyone except those that hated SMW for the SNES. This game is a must own and a highly recommend game from the SMRC.

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